Friday, May 11


Finally the time has come! The epic - like really EPIC - gameplay trailer of Connor in war, killing, blending, having that awesome slow-mo walk that Altair and Ezio and Desmond have done, confronting a bear, parkour on trees and buldings, going through a house during a chase... SO MANY AWESOME THINGS IN A 2 MINUTE TRAILER!

After it I was like "Damn. This is gonna be one hell of a game :D"

Watch it here and now.

Connor's voice kind of sounds like mixture of all the assassins we know so far - including Clay (well kind of :P) but I think I am going to fall in love with a assassin again, but definitely not his name... I don't really like the name Connor but who cares? :D

Wednesday, May 9

AC3 Gameplay video - The Deadly side of Connor

Ubisoft have released a awesome new gameplay video from AC3 as Connor chases through the forest to kill a Templar guard by hunting him down like a eagle. Watch the full video here :)

Gone off for an important assignment

So I have been really inactive for awhile, but I am back!
And I will be posting a lot of new stuff :D

I just wanted to make the title sound Assassins Creedy :P

Monday, April 16

What didn't make it to Assassin's Creed 3

Hi Assassin's! Find out what 7 things that didn't make it to the final Assassins Creed 3 game! Such as the chain blade/rope (reminds me of the Prince of Persia chain :)) that changed to a rope dart and more!
Here is the website with all 7 things!

Thursday, April 12

Assassins Creed Facebook Cover Photo

If you have a Facebook account and you are addicted to Assassins Creed (like moi) you can just take my just made cover photo for Assassins like you! :D

The cover photo e original size) 

What it will look like

Wednesday, April 11

Assassins Creed Candle Holder - Fan Made

So my nerdiness comes again! In school we were making candle holders and I just coincidentally put the Assassins Creed emblem on it :D

So here it is! Whatcha think?

Wednesday, April 4

More Desmond!

Remember those horrible times in AC2 when you would have to wait like 10 sequences until you could finally take a step in Desmond's shoes, well horrible times no more as Ubisoft has just revealed that AC3 will have more Desmond than ever! I mean, of course they will, *Spoilers* it was a bit obvious as he wakes up from his coma and needs to save the worlds so yeah...

Lol. I am just really happy we can play more of modern day assassin Desmond

For more info go to

Friday, March 23

Blog Update with AC3 details leaked

So I have been off at camp for awhile so I haven't put anything up yet, so I just wanted to say I quickly
updated the AC3 Gallery with new leaked photo's and Illustrations with wicked drawings of AC fans

Also, I have new epic info on AC3 :D
-We will be playing Connor (The new assassin) for 35 years of his life from childhood to maturity
-He will be hunting wolfs, deers and even beavers
-A new weapon is revealed, a Rope Dart which comes from chinese origins - a sharp spearhead attached to a rope to pull guards to Connor while killing them (AWESOME)
-The game will be 20 percent longer than AC2, taking more than 20 hours excluding achievements
(YAY! I always thought AC2 was a really good length and the games just got shorter and shorter so I am so happy :P)

I will be posting new info weekly and I will try to update my other pages :)
Arrivederci Assassins!

Saturday, March 17

G L I D E!

Okay, so I was just casually looking on the Assassins Creed Facebook page when I found a cool as re-creation of Leonardo Da Vinci's flying mechanism used in AC2 :D

Lee Camara's Re-creation! 
I mean, how wicked is that? People say that it doesn't work and it was a waste of time, but I am pretty sure that it could glide a bit (once my teacher - when they were young - used a cape to fly and it did work for about 4 metres xD) So I just wanted to post it on my blog to show what a great job Lee Camara did and how awesome it looks!
Arrivederci Assassins!

Wednesday, March 7

When I am bored...

I know this is really really really (I would continue but yeah) weird that I do this but once I get really bored in Assassins Creed Revelations because of finishing the whole story, doing parkour like EVERYWHERE and doing most of the side missions and trophies what I do is...

I make 3 bombs (2 poison smoke bombs and 3 coin bombs and 3 lamb blood bombs) Then I go to a place with lots of people and throw 3 of the coin bombs to attract everyone. After that I throw 2 of the poison smoke bombs  - if you throw 3 you will de-sync - then when everyone is dead I throw 3 lamb blood bombs. Then I do epic parkour to the dead bodies and feel so badass as it looks like I murdered everyone. Yes it is VERY weird but what the hell. Anyways, if you want to do it make sure you have all the bombs set on explode on impact and make sure you are at the top of a building with no guards at your sight or you know what will happen.
Arrivederci Assassins!